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Colin McRae Rally 2005
Front Cover Game Details
Platform PSP
Genre Racing
Publisher Codemasters
Release Date 01.9.2005 г.
Links Amazon UK
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Personal Details
Index 302
Collection Status In Collection
Original Yes
Purchase Price 0,00 лв
Current Value 0,00 лв
Location G1
Completed No
Product Details
Barcode 5024866328394
Language Multi 6
No. of Disks 1
For years now Colin McRae Rally has been the definitive console rally game. Now this 2005 edition adds to the tumult of top notch driving games for the PSP, becoming its first rally title.

The obvious problem with rallying on a portable is that real rally races take a long time to complete -- which is a bit of a problem if you just want a quick race while you're on the train. For this reason the game features special five minute stages and automatically saves both your progress and your best time.

In most other respects, Colin McRae looks and feels exactly like its console equivalents, with some stunning graphics and realistic controls. The Career Challenge mode is home to the main single player experience, although there are also 4WD Championship, Rally and Stages modes. There's also a wireless multiplayer mode for up to eight players.

Whichever mode you choose, you're never stuck in just one car, as you get the choice to drive four-wheel drive, two-wheel drive, four-wheel classics, super two-wheel, rear wheel, distinctive and full 4x4 vehicles. There are a total of 30 cars in total, from the Lancia Stratos to the Volkswagen Beetle Rsi. With twenty-three different events and over 300 different stages (even if they are just five minutes long) this sets an impressively high standard for PSP rally games. -- Harrison Dent

Colin McRae Rally 2005 — продолжение всемирно известного раллийного автосимулятора, выводящее знаменитую серию на новый уровень — прежде всего благодаря оригинальному режиму карьеры, в котором перед игроком открываются практически безграничные возможности. Выбрав этот режим, вы сможете пройти весь путь от начинающего гонщика до легенды авторалли. Наберите опыт в самых простых соревнованиях, выигрывая у менее искушенных соперников, а потом продемонстрируйте все свое умение в любом из двадцати видов чемпионатов, выступив против настоящих мастеров. К услугам игроков — автомобили нескольких классов (2-Wheel Drive, Super 2WD, 4-Wheel-Drive, 4WD Classics), а также более трех сотен маршрутов. И вам придется детально изучить каждый из них, чтобы одержать победу над конкурентами!